Want To Reset Your Metabolic Age?

Learn The Real Strategy That Has Reset People's Metabolism To Be Less Than Their Actual Age And Lose 40 Pounds In 40 Days Inside The Free Metabolic Reset Challenge Facebook Group…

Windy City Live Staff

Join the free Facebook group now!

Here's your chance to learn from the VitaLife founder, access a support network of successful people, and become part of a community of like-minded health conscious peers all improving together.

*Don't Worry! We hate SPAM as much as you do!

**All emails will be verified before giving access to the group

With the Metabolism Reset 5 Day Challenge we can show you...

How to reset your metabolic age to match and even be less than your actual calendar age.

How you can drastically change your view of food and its role in your life.

How we used this strategy to help people lose 40 pounds in 40 days and keep it off.

What's inside the free Metabolism Reset Challenge group when you join today?

Live, interactive conversations with VitaLife founder Davis Jaspers everyday.

Testimonials from everyday people who have found great success by resetting their metabolism.

Daily Action steps you can take to reset your metabolism.

A support network of peers all working together to improve their health and scale results.

And so, SO much more….

This is a Challenge! There will be winners who will be awarded Amazon gift cards up to $325 dollars * join group for details.

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